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Snowfall Dynamics


In this research I want to replicate a snowfall effect in a 3D enviorment Dynamic lets you create realistic motion that's hard to achieve with keyframe animation. We can make effects such as Smoke, Snowfall and fireworks.


The video below will show the area where I want to create a snowfall effect.


I want to make this effect for my project. In which it has the huge landscape area with train station, bridge, road and with some props.
For this enviorment I felt the snowfall would be great visual. So if i could create the snowfall the enviorment looks good and by the time camera comes down it fills the scene with the props. This is the whole idea in making the snowfall effect. So this is the main reason i decided to create the effect.


I got inspired to do snowfall effect from watching a movie, so i felt if I could create snowfall for my project which looks great. Because I created the camera animation from top angle which covers the whole scene.



These examples i gatherd from Youtube as a refference.


When you see this, the snowfall does not seem to have any depth. Originally i wanted to create a snow effect in After Effects and then import the particle to Maya then match it with the camera. Once I finish matching it with the camera I would then export the geometry to After effects for composition. We should convert the snow footage into an image sequence to be sure that it loads perfectly in Nuke or After Effects. However, this was not the case. It's more effective to create the snowfall effect in Maya because you dont have depth in After Effects.




This effect is created in After Effects, the snowfall looks okay but it does not have any depth. But this effect can be useful when the camera is stationary just like the video below. 


This effect is created in After Effects


This effect is created in Maya, the snow fall looks real and it has the depth.  

Here are the particle settings which helped me in getting the snowfall effect.

Using the emiter The snow fall which is emmiting from top so the snow falls everywhere on the ground. 

I used two emitter to get the depth. one particle emites down with the small size and other particle emotes down with little bit bigger than the small size. 

Final Look


I finished my research on 3D snowfall in maya, with the help of youTube. It was difficult to get the perfect snowfall effect but by doing the research on 3D Snowfall Effect i could able to bring up the decent output. 

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